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Building Resilient Rural-Urban Systems

We believe that transformative research is the basis for large-scale, long-term sustainability solutions. One of the greatest challenges in the coming decades is the global shift to urbanization: By 2050, 70% of people will be living in cities, relying on the resources provided by the 30% of people living in rural areas. Resilience will come from policies, practices and products that allow people in rural communities to benefit from producing food, energy and water for urban areas and cities to reduce resource consumption.

“Food, energy, climate, and health challenges connect rural and urban populations in very tangible ways.”
Lindsay Anderson
Former Cornell Atkinson Faculty Director

By thinking holistically—and drawing inspiration from the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainability Goals—we’re innovating research in four key areas that connect the lives of rural and urban dwellers: increasing food security, reducing climate risks, accelerating energy transitions, and advancing One Health.

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